Thursday, April 24, 2014

It's No Risk

It's No Risk

Sitting in my easy chair
Sipping in my wine
Hand on remote, channel surfing
Wish I could feel fine
What is this show I'm watching
What could this madness be
They're sing about Jesus
It's Church on my TV
The music's really something
I'm touched deep in my heart
I know that I'm a sinner, but,
Could I have a brand new start?
They're singing, "It's no risk,
Take that step toward Him
Receive eternal life,
Let the Lord live within"
I fill my bowl with peanuts
Wipe from my eye, a tear
Now where's that shopping network
Why am I coming back here
Now the pastor's saying,
"The truth will set you free"
But aren't I free already?
This wine tastes good to me
I say, 'What the hell?"
Oops cussing isn't right
I want to give my heart to God
But my throat is getting tight
I put my hands together
I get down on my knees
Show me how to pray, now
Jesus, help me please
I look into the mirror,
Am I still the same?
What could have changed within me?
I know,
He's taken all the blame!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
The longer you wait to do something that you have decided to do
the less probability of you actually doing it.