Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life-Saving Transfusion

Life-Saving Transfusion

Precious is the blood of Jesus,
now it runs in my own veins
it courses through my body
so in my heart, He may reign.

It pumps me full of grace,
as it flows into my soul
for by His stripes, I am healed
in His death, I'm made whole.

The crown of thorn trickles,
with mercies, I don't deserve
a life-saving transfusion
with an endless peace reserve.

Each bruise and every wound,
are the markings of my sin
they ooze and seep with love
so my heart, He could win.

The Cross represents,
everything that I should be
compassionate and forgiving
just like Jesus is with me!

Jan Bagwell

God Bless !