Monday, February 17, 2014

Observing Presidents' Day

Observing Presidents' Day

We have been blessed in America
By our God's almighty hand.
We should be ever thankful
For the freedom in our land.

Passed to us is a great heritage
From past leaders in our nation.
Many prayed, seeking God's guidance
Through wars and much tribulation.

We've had some great presidents,
Who have led in an honorable way.
We give them tribute and honor
On their own very special day.

We celebrated Washington's birthday
In the past throughout our land.
Some states honored Lincoln too.
For the Union, he took a stand.

In the nineteen-eighties. we changed.
We now call it Presidents' Day.
In February, the third Monday,
Honor to our presidents, we pay.

What can we do to truly observe
This special Presidents' Day?
Thank God for blessing our nation
And for the President, we can pray. 
Jan  Bagwell 
God Bless !
Pray for my mother { Hazel Bagwell }