Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Thread of Faith

A Thread of Faith

It only takes a thread of faith,
to keep you from unraveling
it only takes one strand of trust
so God can do some dazzling.

It only takes one single cord,
to have patience in all things
it only takes a fiber of hope
to see the strength God brings.

It only takes a wisp of conviction,
to believe in what you can’t see
it only takes a little rope
to see how great God can be.

It only takes a remnant of belief,
and a willingness to pray
it only takes one heartfelt cry
for God to save the day.

It only takes a thread of faith,
to weave your salvation story
it only takes one strand of trust
for God to have all the glory.
God Bless !
Please  Pray for my mother