Friday, February 21, 2014

He Watches Over You

He Watches Over You

Praise Jehovah on the mountains
In the valleys, over plains
Praise Him in the cities
And in the wild terrains
Praise on the oceans
Or when flying in the blue
Praise Him everywhere you can
That’s where He watches over you

Praise Jehovah when you’re working
When you’re eating, when you play
Praise Him when the dark storms rage
And on the calmest of your days
Praise Him when the sun is bright
And when the darkness hides the view
Praise Him every time you can
That’s when He watches over you

Praise Jehovah with your loving heart
When you’re happy, when you’re sad
When you’re doing what you know is right
When you’re tempted to be bad
Praise Jehovah in your choices
And in everything you do
Praise Him if it means your life
That’s how He watches over you

Praise Jehovah because he loves you
Because He gave His son to die
For that gift you can’t repay
No matter how you try
Praise Him for Christ sacrifice
For His grace and Gospel true
Praise Him for His perfect love
That’s why He watches over you
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for my Mother and for
Rev David  and Hali  Bagwell and The Neighborhood Church
Scott , Emily and Elizabeth Bagwell
Judy Pangborn {Howard }
J.D. Holladay
Patsy Woods
Frankie and  C.W. Wilson
Billy and Mary Phillips
Judy Hamlin