Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Perfect Storm!

The Perfect Storm!

There is a perfect calm,
ahead of each new storm
if you look to Jesus . . .
before the clouds form.

Don’t let the early breezes,
catch you off your guard
go to Jesus before they gust
so you’ll not be blown too hard.

Don’t wait around and worry,
when the rains may appear
go to Jesus before they start
so He may still your fear.

When the lightning comes,
as it strikes in the skies
go to Jesus with each clap
and let Him hear your cries.

Whilst the thunder roars,
with its frightening sound
go to Jesus with each rumble
and feel His power all around.

The tempest may be out there,
we never know when it will hit
but, when you look to Jesus first
you’ll see Him in the midst of it!

Psalm 107:29
King James Version

“He maketh the storm a calm,
so that the waves thereof are still.”
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless