Friday, September 13, 2013

Beautiful Heaven, My Home

Beautiful Heaven, My Home

I'm thinking of a beautiful land
Where someday my soul will abide,
Home of my Savior, Redeemer, and King.
I long to be there by His side.

I think of loved ones who have gone
To that beautiful land far above.
I miss their dear faces here below.
I am left with those memories of love.

I think of friends in that fair land,
Who have finished their race before me.
I would like to commune with them again
When from this world, I'll be free.

Oh how sweet it will be over there
In that wonderful home of my soul.
No troubles or woes will darken my way
While those years of eternity roll. 
Our Friend  and brother in Christ , Billy Phillips , lost his Dad yesterday. Be in prayer for him .
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !