Friday, February 22, 2013

Judge Not

Judge Not

Rich man, poor man, beggerman, thief,
in life, they play their part,
Tis no matter what we may see,
Christ looks upon the heart.
He came not to condemn the world,
The ugly nor the fair,
The harlots who walk in darkness,
Nor men whose beds they share.
He finds no fault with the sinner,
For "All" He gave His life,
He loves us with all our faults,
Our problems, trials and strife.
Price tags on our lives are equal,
For Christ has made them all.
He paid the price with His own life
And lifts us when we fall.
Ah yes, my friend, be not surprised,
When life on earth is through,
And Heavens roll is called for us
Who's standing next to you.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !