Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Telescope of Heaven

The telescope of heaven
Looks down on earth each day
Seeking for a man who will
Turn to God and pray
Will you be that one
Who will turn his heart aright
Seek the Lord while He may be found
Leave darkness enter light

His way is the highest
His thoughts above our own
We shall leave this earth below
And enter heaven's throne
Upon our time while waiting
The lost world needs Him too
We are to be the fishers of men
It's what He's called us too

His cross has left its imprint
On hearts who know the Lord
Never are we the same again
Who've trusted in His Word
The dynamic now of living
For we've been born again
His love keeps on giving
Seeking still lost men

Time is still a marching
Then comes eternity
We can make the difference
To set a captive free
No longer do we live our lives
As they are but our own
We have come unto the cross
And knelt before His throne

He is still the King of Kings
In earth and heaven above
Our purchased, prized possesion
Who shed His precious blood
Cast thy burden on the Lord
For He can set you free
The telescope of heaven
Is waiting now for thee

Jan Bagwell 
God Bless !