Thursday, February 21, 2013

Don't Stop Knocking

I was awakened from sleep one night.
by somebody knocking at the door.
Sleepily I turned on my light.
And put my feet on the floor.
Carefully I climbed down each stair
Rounded a corner - I was almost there.
But just before I opened the door.
The person gave up and knocked no more.

A man was praying to the Lord
For something he wanted so dear
But after a while he thought to himself.
'Maybe God doesn't care.'
Broken hearted he got off his knees.
Thinking 'God won't ever answer my pleas'
And just be fore God would have opened the door.
That man gave up and 'knocked' no more.

Don't stop knocking! Don't you quit!!
God WILL answer- when He sees fit.
And though you're discouraged just kneel down and pray.
God might answer today.

In the Bible we are told to cast on God our care.
If we pray in Jesus' name -God will answer our prayer.
Some times the answer he gives is --wait.
And sometimes it is --no.
But don't quit praying...don't give up!
Until the answer you know.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Find out who you are in Christ then you will know what to do !