Monday, September 2, 2013

I'll Fly Away Someday

I'll Fly Away Someday

When I have finished my life's race,
I'm going to fly right through space,
Beyond the sun, the moon, and stars,
Right past Venus, Saturn, and Mars.

An astronaut suit, I won't need there.
My soul will be in an angel's care.
The angel will guide me to that place,
Heaven's land, full of glory and grace.

I will fly along at the utmost speed.
Not one piece of luggage will I need.
Maybe I'll be issued a robe of white
When I reach that land of purest light.

I am looking forward to that fast ride,
Landing me safely on the other side,
Where I will see my dear Savior's face.
I'll take a tour of that wonderful place.

I made my reservation many years ago.
I accepted the Savior while here below.
If you don't have your reservation yet,
Make one soon; please do not forget. 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please Pray for a special young man ,who love God with all his heart , His Name is Shannon Gibson . He is going for a test on his heart Tuesday .His email address is . You might want to offer your encouragement . Please pray for Judy Pangborn . and Jimmy D Holliday