Monday, March 4, 2013

I Believe

Sometimes you feel trapped and weary.
Sometimes it seems like nothing has
turned out the way that you'd hoped.
But remember that you're never alone.
God is with you always.
You need only open your heart to him,
and he will ease your pain.
His light will cut through the darkness,
and fill you with the sparkle of renewed hope.
He knows when you're worried.
He knows when you're feeling blue,
but he's always there to
lend you his strength
and to help you fly.
You need only have faith,
and he'll send you a miracle.
You need only open your arms,
and he'll wrap you in his loving embrace.
Let him fill your heart with sunshine.
Let him touch your life
with the light of his love--
it will shine through in everything you do,
and a sense of unending peace
and happiness will rule your days.
In order to fly with the beauty
and grace of a butterfly,
you need only believe.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless 
Please pray for Billy and Mary Phillips and Billy father health