Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Healing That We Need

The Healing That We Need

Why, O Lord, does it always seem
That we often get no reply?
When we are so very desperate
For all the answers why

When we need a special touch
To heal all of our sickness,
A miracle that only you can do
Restoring strength to our weakness

We do not know the reasons 'why'
You don't answer straight away,
We only need to have faith in you
And be persistent when we pray

You may choose to heal much more
Than our needs of the physical
So much more is the spirit inside
That may be in need of a miracle

For you care so much for us
And want to see us healed,
Not only in this body of ours
But in our souls as well

For healing is for every part,
Our body, spirit and soul
And God just wants to touch each part
And make us truly whole

We needn’t feel so downcast
As we wait upon the Lord,
For the answer will come in His time
Then we shall be restored.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless