Thursday, March 28, 2013

A poem about Easter

A poem about Easter


When Jesus came on the scene
He came in a way that was humble
Here on earth
He never mumbled nor grumbled

Man shed innocent blood
When Jesus died on the cross
They though they were above God
In the end they found out who was boss

Easter is a day set aside
For Christ death, burial and ressurection
If in your life your not living right
This is the time to make corrections

Easter shouldn't be celebrated
With nice clothes and beautiful hats
God's death, burial and russurection
Has nothing to do with that

Jesus bore the cross
Heading for Calvary
Through God's love
Allowed us to be free

He was put in His tomb
And on the 3rd day He got out
So I could capture salvation
And for this reason I can jump and shout

Now when I think of Easter
I don't think of material things
I use it as a reminder
Of the joy it brings.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Remember it not what you think of God , It what God think of you .