Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Spirit Filled Church

The Spirit Filled Church

Today I walked in the church doors to find
That, many would be there to welcome Him.
Every face had a smile and a look of hope,
Spreading joy, I saw Jesus in each of them.
Perhaps, if you look, you will see the change.
It is a precious sight, different in many ways;
Righteousness flows from the member's hearts,
And resounds with glorious songs of praise.
Today is a day that our Lord has made.
From the beginning of time he created love.
It is with this love that His Son was sent,
Crucified, buried, risen and ascended above.
Love that is spread in the Spirit filled church,
Emitting a glow that brings us a joyful heart,
Brings us from the cares of this world of woe
And fills us with joy, complete from the start.
The Spirit filled church is the Lord's church
And is always faithful to do the Lord's will.
They heed the calling to a lost and dying world
And spread God's word over mountain and hill.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank You , Neighborhood Church , for being who you are . 
Neighborhood Church , Easley , S. C.
I hoping and praying, that all who read this poem, written by God
humble servant , who could do nothing with out God guided.
Hoping every church is like this poem .
Happy Easter !