Monday, April 1, 2013

How Important Were Women to the Easter Story

How Important Were Women to the Easter Story?

1. As Jesus walked the road to be crucified, the only recorded
words he said on the way were to women who were following him
and crying.  (Luke 23:27-31)

2. There were many women who watched the crucifixion from a long
ways away.  (Matthew 27:55)

3. There were at least 3 women named Mary at the crucifixion:
Jesus' mother Mary, Jesus' aunt named Mary, and Jesus' friend
named Mary.  (John 19:25)

4. With some of his last words, Jesus saw to it that his mother
would be taken care of by giving her to his best friend John,
and Mary lived in John's home ever after that.  (John 19:26-27)

5. The first people to find the stone rolled back and Jesus gone
out of the tomb were women.  (Luke 24:1-3 and Mark 16:6)

6. The men who were Jesus' best friends, didn't believe the
women when they reported their findings.  (Luke 24:9-11)

7. The angels at the tomb who said Jesus was risen from the dead
are only reported to have talked to and been seen by the women
and not the men.  (Matthew 28:5-7, Luke 24:4-10, & Mark 16:1-7)

8. The first person Jesus appeared to and talked to after he
returned from the dead was a woman. And, she was even a woman
who had once been demon possessed, Mary Magdalene, delivered and
forgiven by Jesus!  (John 20:14-15)

Stay in touch with Jesus.
You are very important to Him!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless