Friday, November 2, 2012

A Blessing in Disguise

A Blessing in Disguise

Pain is like the rain
Heavy down pours then a sweet refrain.
There is a lull sometimes,
Then suddenly like severe thunder storms
Excruciating pain driving me to my knees.
Humbly before Abba Father's throne,
I lay at His feet,
And find lots of meat............meat ?
Yes, the meat of His Word.
Then He lifts me into His arms showering
Me with His living waters bringing immediate
Healing to my body, mind,and spirit!
Sometimes I wonder though what if
I did not have pain like the rain,
Heavy down pours then a sweet refrain
Thanking God for the lull...what if I did
Not have excruciating pain may be
I would not be driven to my knees.
While pondering on these things I got it....
What a revelation........pain is really like the rain
A blessing in disguise!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !