Monday, November 5, 2012

Heart Like Yours

Heart Like Yours

In the name of Jesus
Lord of Heaven and Earth
Most High God,
I need you.

Help me to understand Father.
Give me compassion to speak with loving words.
Teach me Father God ,
I need a heart like yours.

I see your children Father.
I hear them, calling for the truth.
I feel their pushing and pulling to know the real you.
Please lead me to see, hear and feel like you.

You are God
My air
My life
My Creator

Continue to light my path
Live inside of me
Speak through me
Use me Lord

Teach me
To live in your will for me
To walk like you
To love like you

I need you
I need a heart like yours
Please lead me to hear, see and feel like you
My creator
Use me Lord,
To reach the hearts of your People.

Love always,
Your Child ,
Jan Bagwell

Father God , please watch out for my Friends Rosie And Gerald Malone . for they or in bad health , And for David my son . Mary Carpenter needed prayer she is having health problems .
Aman and Aman