Monday, October 29, 2012

They Say that I'm Nothing , but I'm Something

They Say that I'm Nothing, but I'm Something


They say I’m poor,
They say I’m nothing.
They say I’m poor and they say I’m nothing because I’ve got nothing to offer to any living soul.
I’ve got no money, no food, no child, no wife nor husband and no home to go home to that is because I’ve got no money.
But I say I’m blessed
I’m blessed because God told me so.
He loves me the same way he loves every life on earth. I’m blessed because I’m still alive.
I breathe the same air that rich men breathe,
I walk on the same ground that rich men walk . . . therefore  I am no different.
I am rich with life
I am rich with love
I’m rich with hope that one day they will see the beauty that God treasured in me because I am something indeed

~ By Londeka Zondi, a 19 year old from South Africa , Zondi  thank you
for this email , I can tell by this poem that you are blessed by God . Thank you for reading my Blog , My friend you are true soul .I am sure you inspire everyone you touch .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !