Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I Shall Go Alone

I shall Go Alone

I shall go out alone
Tonight beneath the stars ,
I shall forget the world
With its wars and rumors of wars ;

I shall lift my face to the sky ,
To its friendly fires and feel
The night winds reaching its hands
Into my heart to heal .

The darkness will soothe my eyes
That have looked too long at the light ;
The clamor within my ears
Will cease in the soundless night ;

And perhaps I shall find again
A thing I have lost for long :
Laughter upon my lips ,
And a light-hearted song
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Prayer list :
Jan Bagwell [ knees and neck ]
Judy Howard [ Knees ]
Billy Phillips Mother
Hali Bagwell and David Bagwell
Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell
Hazel Bagwell
Nadine Stvan
Mike Wells and mother