Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Come Summertime

Come Summertime

My country friend , I’m thinking of you now
As Spring is brightly bursting on the bough ,
And wishing I could be with you somehow
To stroll down lilac lanes that we once knew .
In our fair city , we have daffodils ,
But ah , I miss God’s lush green , rolling hills ,
And ivy twining to the windowsills
That brought such pleasure when I was a child .
I long for country roads that slowly wend
To lilting streams that lie around the bend –
And peaceful places where a heart can mend –
Like meadows all aglow with buttercups .
For now , my friend , I’ll bid a fond adieu ,
Then pray that God will bless our rendezvous ;
So plant an extra sunflower or two ,
Cause I’ll be country-bound come Summertime!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
I hope you enjoy my poem .