Friday, April 1, 2011

Keep on Keeping on

Keep on Keeping on
If the day looks rather gloomy ,
And your chances rather slim ,
If the situation’s puzzling
And the prospect’s very grim ,
If perplexities keep pressing
Till hope is nearly gone ,
Just bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on .

Forgetting never wins a fight
And fuming never pays ;
There is no use in brooding
In these pessimistic ways ;
Just smile bravely and cheerfully
Though hope is nearly gone ,
And bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on

There is no use in growling .
And grumbling all the time,
When music’s ringing everywhere
And everything’s a rhyme ;
Just keep on smiling cheerfully
If hope is nearly gone
And keep on keeping on !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Keep on Keeping on
If the day looks rather gloomy ,
And your chances rather slim ,
If the situation’s puzzling
And the prospect’s very grim ,
If perplexities keep pressing
Till hope is nearly gone ,
Just bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on .

Forgetting never wins a fight
And fuming never pays ;
There is no use in brooding
In these pessimistic ways ;
Just smile bravely and cheerfully
Though hope is nearly gone ,
And bristle up and grit your teeth
And keep on keeping on

There is no use in growling .
And grumbling all the time,
When music’s ringing everywhere
And everything’s a rhyme ;
Just keep on smiling cheerfully
If hope is nearly gone
And keep on keeping on !