Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Time

My Time
Generations have come and gone ,
Drank the cup of life , then fled !
Made their Eternal Record ,
Then joined the army of the dead !

They’re gone !Oh frightful words !
Where , where have they quietly fled ?
Gone from our sight and memory ,
The millions of forgotten dead !

Each chased his favorite phantom ,
In his own respective age ;
Or , in the light of Eternity ,
Carefully wrote life’s sacred page .

Time is the momentous hour ,
When Eternal character is formed;
When we divest ourselves of hope ,
Or ,like victors , are adorned .

Ages have rolled their rusty centuries
Along through the vista of Time ,
Til now has come the AWFUL HOUR ,
When it’s your turn to live and mine !

My Time ! O dreadful thought !
My time to act ! My moment to live !
Great God , in this stupendous hour ,
Infinite inspiration give !

Shall I , in this fearful hour ,
Break Sin’s fantastic spell ?
Or , with the wreckless millions ,
Will I BARTER Heaven for Hell?

On the volition of my will ,
I can reach the Realms of Light;
Or , I can forge Infernal chains
To bind me in Eternal Night !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
As these thoughts ran through my head , God assures me that when I ask him to save me , he did ! So from the day He saved me , til this day , I fill the acceptance of my Savior . And I know my Anchor holds . Praise God !! Amen