Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Brick Wall

The Brick Wall

I'm a 15-year-old girl from Wisconsin. I am very interested in
learning languages and have studied German for two years. We
have friends in Germany through my dad's work, and they thought
it would be a good thing if I could stay with them for a few
weeks, to get a better feel for the language. So here I am.

The other day we were riding the bus to school, and we were in
a seat in the back. I guess I wasn't paying attention for a
while because suddenly I realized that we were either about to
go straight into what looked like a brick wall or take a very
sharp turn.

Without thinking I must have tightened my grip on the seat,
because I remember noticing that no one else seemed to be
worried the least bit about the turn.

We just kept getting closer to the wall of bricks and then...
we drove through it.

You see, it wasn't a solid wall, the street just kept going
in between two brick houses, and I just couldn't see that from
the back of the bus. I guess you could say I had a Anchor holds

I realized that this same bus driver has probably gone this way
over a hundred times before, as had all of the other passengers
on the bus. As the newcomer, I had to trust that those with
experience knew what they were doing. Even when it looks like
you are headed into a wall of bricks, you have to trust the
driver to get you safely to your final destination.
Thank you Sandra Walls for this letter .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
You know the problems you see in front of you , are just something the devil put there , to put fear in your heart . Remember God will make a way out for you .
Prayer Request
Prayer Request

We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families. They are fighting it out in Afghanistan & they have lost 12 marines in 4 days.