Friday, September 23, 2011

Use Me , LORD


Someone is groping , Lord,
Lost and astray;
Help me to light my lamb ,
And show the way .
Someone is lonely , Lord
No friends are near :
Help me to be a friend ,
And bring him cheer .
Someone’s discouraged , Lord
His hope is dim
Help me to lift his faith
By helping him
Someone is hungry , Lord ,
Hear , now , his prayer :
Give me heart to help
And gladly share .
My lamb I’ll light and be a friend ,
And bear my brother’s care ;
To him I’ll give a helping hand ,
And freely with him share .
And thus I’ll prove my love to thee .
And show a grateful heart
For everything Thou gives me-
So rich in grace Thou art !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !