Monday, September 26, 2011

If We Knew

If We Knew
If we knew the cares and crosses
Crowding round our neighbor’s way :
If we knew the little losses ,
Sorely grievous day by day .
Would we then so often chide him
For the lack of thrift and gain -
Casting o’er his life a shadow ,
Leaving on his heart a stain .

If we knew the silent story
Quivering through the heart of pain .
Would our manhood dare doom them
Back to haunts of guilt again ?
Life hath many a tangled crossing .
Joy hath many a break of woe ,
And the cheeks tear-washed seem whitest ,
This the blessed angels know .

Let us reach into our bosoms
For the key to other lives ,
And with love to erring nature ,
Cherish good that still survives :
So that when our disrobed spirits
Soar to realms of light again .
We may say , Dear Father , judge us
As we judged our fellowmen .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!
Please be in prayer for Frankie Wilson and her father { Frank Patton } . Frankie , father is expected to pass way soon . We must pray that God will heal him or he will have a easy passing .Please remember Betty Patton his wife and help her get through this . Angels rejoyed when a saint of God come home . Aman and Aman !

Please come out and hear one of the most outstanding young Minister's of our time !
He will be at Calvery Hill Baptist Church , Wednesday 28th of Sept , at 6 P.M. Address is 501 Rampey St. , Easley , S.C. (864-859-5362 } YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED: Sermon : Angels and Demons ,Rev. David Bagwell