Tuesday, July 5, 2011

" He is Risen"

He is Risen”
Christ the Lord is risen today ,
Sons of men and angels say ;
Raise your joys and triumphs high ,
Sing ,ye heavens ,and earth reply .

Love’s redeeming work is done
Fought the fight , the battle won ;
Lo! Our Son’s eclipse is o’er ;
Lo! He sets in blood no more .

Vain the stone ,the watch ,the seal ;
Christ hath burst the gates of hell !
Death in vain forbids His rise ;
Christ hath opened Paradise !

Lives again our glor5ious Kings ;
Where ,O Death , is now thy string ?
Once He died our souls to save :
Where thy victory , O Grave ?
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please remember Mary Carpenter and family and Brad Rogers ,David and Hali Bagwell in your prayers .