Wednesday, July 6, 2011



There are streams from the heart of the ocean ,
That flow toward the rocks on this shore ;
From the north and the south they are coming ,
And they meet with a rush and a roar.

Far above on the crags I am watching
The conflict that never shall cease ;
I can see how the struggle is faring ,
Why that ocean can never know peace .

In our hearts there are conflicting currents
That rush in from here and from there .
We are warned that some will break on us ,

But others steal up unaware .

In his heaven above , God is sitting ;
And He sees every battle we fight .
He knows why there’s always a struggle
In our lives as we strive for the right .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please be in pray for David and Hali Bagwell and Mary Carpenter and family .