Monday, February 21, 2011

The Bible in the schools

The Bible in the Schools
I’d to see the Bible placed
Where the Bible used to be ,
Upon the top of the teacher’s desk
For every child to see ;
I’d like to hear the teacher say,
As my teacher used to do ;
“Before we work or play , dear ones ,
I want to read to you .”

I’d like to see the teacher stand
Before the class again
And lift with reverent care the Book
That makes God’s purpose plain ,
And ere the youngsters went to work ,
I’d like to hear her voice
Repeat those words of truth and faith
That makes one’s soul rejoice.

I’d like to see her face light up
At each resplendent word ,
And watch the children’s souls shine out
At the message they had heard ;
I’d like to see the sweet content
Fill that dear room , each nook ,
And know that joy had come to each
When teacher read the Book .

Yes , I’d like to see the Bible placed
Where the Bible used to be ,
I’d like to hear it read aloud
In the class room of the free .
I want my children taught to know
God’s matchless gift of love ,
The Book of books is wisdom’s gate
To that bright home above .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless

Prayer is the tuning fork which brings me into harmony with God . I still know by faith , that God can and will bring this country back .