Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The New Year

The New Year
O, year by year we well may be
Deep exercised in see
Just what is chaff and what is wheat ,
As valued at the judgment seat

Look Down into the deep dark pit ,
Whence we were dug think of it!
Look Back – we only render praise
For grace attending all our ways .

Look Out upon the fields so white –
The gladsome harvest just in sight !
Look Up - the objects of God’s love
Are fed with manna from above .

Look On - for Glory is in view ,
And Jesus waits to welcome you !
But do not ever look Within ,
Upon the wretched source of sin .

How bright the coming days would be
If only souls from self free ,
And had the mind and heart absorded
With Christ alone – Their Glorious Lord !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Happy New Year !