Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My Year Book

My Year Book
The Master gave a “ book to me
With pages pure and white ;
And then He said , “ Most carefully
Upon it you must write .”

“No blot should mar a single page ,
Of such a volume fair ,
Each word you write will always stay ,
Forever entered there.”

For twelve brief months the “Book” was mine
And then He came once more ;
To give a new one all unsoiled ,
As He had done before .

He took the “Book” away from me
Although I begged of Him ,
For just a moment more of time –
I’d fill it to the brim ,

With effort to correct a page ,
To cancel each bad spot ;
But opportunity was gone ,
Old years cannot be bought .

A New Year lies before me now ,
It’s pages clean and white ;
“ Dear Lord ,” I cry ,”Oh ,take my hand
and guide as I write .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !