Thursday, December 30, 2010

Facing A New Year

Facing A New Year
I know not what awaited me
As dawns another year
The path untrod I can not see
Yet knows my heart no fear .
Though dark the path may be , or light ,
A smooth or rugged way ,
I ever shall be led aright
While I for guidance pray .
I know not whether short or long
My pilgrimage may be ,
I’ll daily praise my Lord in song
For all His love to me .
And as the years shall onward roll
And day by day be mine ,
I’ll seek to lead some precious soul
To Christ , the way divine .
My God shall be my strength and stay
While sojourning here below
He will supply my need always
His Word assures me so .
With joy I greet the opening year ,
It cannot bring me ill .
Since Christ , my Lord is ever near ,
My soul with peace to fill .”

Farewell , Old Year
With goodness crowned ,
A Hand divine hath set thy bound ;
Welcome the New Year
Which shall bring
Fresh blessings from
My Lord and King .
The Old we enter without a tear ,
The New we enter without fear .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
“ The Lord thy God , He it is that doth go with thee ; He will not fail thee , nor forsake thee .” Deut . 31:6