Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Has Been Is What Will Be

Today my soul is reaching out
For something that’s unknown ,
I cannot grasp or fathom it
For it’s known to God alone.
I cannot hold or harness it
Or put it into form ,
For it’s as uncontrollable
As the wind before the storm .
I know not where it came from
Or whither it will go ,
For it’s as inexplicable
As the restless winds that blow .
And like the wind it too will pass
And leave nothing more behind
Than the memory of a mystery
That blew across my mind .
But like the wind it will return
To keep reminding me
That everything that is new
Beneath God’s timeless sun ,
And present ,past ,and future
Are all molded into one .
And east and west and north and south
The same wind keeps on blowing ,
While rivers run on endlessly
Yet the sea’s not overflowing .
And the restless ,unknown longing
Of my searching soul won’t cease
Until God comes in glory
And my soul at last finds peace .
Jan Bagwell
Please keep praying for Liza Henson , that God will heal her . She has Cancer and we need for God to take over .She is at stage 4 colon Cancer. If any of you can help , it Liza Henson Benefit Fund , Bank Account is at Bank of Travel Rest . We are tiring to get her in the M.D. Anderson Cancer Hospital in Texas . If anybody can help we would be thankful. She has a month .