Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Take Time to be Kind

Kindness is a virtue
given by the Lord .
It pays dividends in happiness ,
and joy is its reward ,
For if you practice kindness
in all you say and do ,
The Lord will wrap His kindness
all around your heart and you ,
And wrapped within His kindness
you are sheltered and secure ,
And under His direction
your way is safe and sure
Jan Bagwell
So put all malice and guile and insincerity and all slander .Like newborn babes, long for the pure milk , that by it you may grow up to salvation ; for you have tasted the kindness of the Lord . 1 Peter 2:1-3
Lisa Henson

Bank account @ Bank of Travel Rest
She want to go to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital
Phone no 713-792-0266
She is @ stage 4 colon Cancer
Check on financial help for consultation and possible treatment
“Lisa Henson benefit fund “
She is in Memorial Hospital 5th floor
Please be praying for her