Tuesday, December 8, 2009

When Christ Comes Again

When Christ Comes Again

Some of us may not be here
When Christmas comes again –
Spread around your words of cheer
To eve’ry one you can .
Look with joy to Christmas time
And sing in sheer delight ;
Listen to the bells that chine
Their gladsome –“Silent Night .”
In such happy Christmas days
Be you a friend indeed –
Know the joy your giving pays ,
To help some friend in need
All may join the Yuletide cheer
And give as best they can –
Some of us may not be here
When Christmas comes again
Why defer until too late
The good we could have done ?
Why forget , or pause ,or wait ,
And thus be friend to none ?
Tho’ some never understand
The good we tried to do –
Blessing ,love for others planned
Come back to me and you .
Then remenber friend or foe
And , tho’ your gift be small ,
Let your love to others flow ,
Ere comes the last low call ,
Some kind deed or word of cheer
May ease the sting of pain –
Some of us may not be here
When Christmas comes again .
Jan Bagwell 12/08/09