Thursday, December 10, 2009

Crucified With Jesus

Crucified With Jesus

I am crucified with Jesus,
It is no more I who live,
I am well content with weakness,
Perfect power to receive,
And the life He now lives in me
Is my only righteousness.
Jesus gave His own self for me,
How can I desire less?

When my soul goes down to Egypt
To indulge in worldly thought,
And I’m living for my pleasure,
Not for Him by whom I’m bought,
May He rescue me from bondage
With His title to forgive.
Since I’m crucified with Jesus,
My own life I cannot live.

When I’m feasting on the manna
From my Savior’s vast array
In the holy heav’nly places
Where His blood has made a way,
How the old things are supplanted
By the new in Christ my Lord.
Crucified and raised with Jesus,
Wondrous life in me outpoured!

When I see the One who loves me
In His splendor on the throne,
Any glory He bestows me
Will be His and not my own,
And the scars of my Redeemer
Will outshine the crowns for me.
I am crucified with Jesus,
Linked to Him eternally.

Jan Bagwell