Friday, December 11, 2009

First -born of Mary

First-born Of Mary

First-born of Mary, though of lowly birth,
Not just a baby: God in man on earth,
Starting Your story, suffering and cold,
First-born of Mary, only minutes old.

First-born of Mary, shepherds by Your bed
Rush in a hurry, as the angel said,
To see Your glory, laid there on the straw,
First-born of Mary, worshipped now with awe.

First-born of Mary, soon there will be kings
Making their journey, bringing offerings:
Gold from their dowry, myrrh and frankincense
First-born of Mary, full of innocence.

First-born of Mary, when You are a man
Death will be gory, part of God’s great plan,
So necessary, to redeem Man’s loss
First-born of Mary, there upon the cross.

First-born of Mary, that is yet to come
Since You are sleepy, rest now, little one.
You’ll gain your glory, on that Easter morn
First-born of Mary, when Your day will dawn.

First-born of Mary, in Your manger bed
So ordinary, now the Church’s head,
Mighty and holy, Lord in heaven above,
First-born of Mary, keep us in Your love.

Jan Bagwell 12 /11/09

Please keep Brad Rogers and my son Rev. David Bagwell in your Prays .