Friday, January 30, 2009

To you My Lord I pray

To You My Lord I Pray

To You My Lord I Pray,
As for so many blessings,
Always with Me
Your Constant Guidance Stay.

So To You My Lord I Pray,
That your Light, Power and Forgiveness
Extended be,
To ALL the Humans in Darkness,
To ALL the Innocent Suffering People,
Art of Your Perfection, The kids, the elderly, the sick,

For That my GOD I Pray,
And If I might never find True Human Love
for Long a Wish of My Heart, if Selfish it may be,
Still My Lord to you I PRAY!

For Your Light and Guidance
Upon me and ALL Around be Forever laid.
As the air I breath, the life I live, and the food I eat
Come from You and only you My God,
To You and Only you, My Lord I pray!