Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Script Writer

The Script Writer

Feeling a bit wobbly with the chaos in the world today? Time
to check what you are standing on. A guest speaker at my
church on gave a great illustration of this fact.

When he was a boy, the speaker said he often watched the old
Batman television series. In every episode, Batman's enemies
like the Joker and Catwoman always seemed to trap him by the
end of it - like over a shark tank or buried alive
underground. The announcer would say to tune in tomorrow at
the same "Bat-time" and same "Bat-Channel" to see how it was
going to turn out.

Somehow Batman always managed to get to his utility belt which
would contain shark-repellent or a collapsible shovel that
would be just the right tool to get him out of his situation.

The speaker said that while he was worried about how the story
was going to turn out, one person was not worried.

The script writer.

See, the script writer already knew exactly what trouble
Batman was going to face. Not only that, but the script writer
knew exactly what was going to get Batman out of it - after
all, he had already written victory into the story.

If you are worried about the troubles facing you with your
health, your finances, or your relationships, then know that
God has already provided the answers for you just as surely as
the Batman script writer did for his creation.

For example, in terms of my health I stand on this promise:

3 John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in
health, just as your soul prospers.

So whenever I feel sick, I pray as if I am already reading the
end of the story in which I am in health and prospering. After
all, that's what the script says is going to happen!

Jan Bagwell