Monday, January 26, 2009

Heaven _ Bound

Heaven-Bound – John 14:1-6
As Christians, we’re looking forward to our Heavenly home and eternal bodies. But we still have questions about life in Heaven.

For example, we wonder whether earthly marriages and families will exist in Heaven. Based on Matthew 22:23-30, Dr. Stanley doesn’t believe there will be family affiliations as we know them in this life. Our capacity to relate to other believers in Heaven will far surpass what we experience here on earth. In their new form, these relationships will be more satisfying and fulfilling. There will be no sin nature to tarnish them.

We also wonder about what we’ll do there. Worship of God will continue. But it will be richer, deeper, and backed up by an angelic chorus. We’ll experience times of fellowship with Jesus and each other in perfect unity. There will be no angry words, misunderstandings, or disagreements to damage our relationships. Revelation 22:3 says serving God will also be part of our Heavenly lives.

The most important question about Heaven is, How do I get there? Contrary to popular opinion, entrance isn’t based on good works, high morals, church attendance, baptism, or membership in the “right” denomination. It centers on the person of Jesus Christ. If we acknowledge we’re sinners separated from God, receive Jesus’ sacrificial death as payment for our rebellion, and trust Him as Savior and Lord, we instantly become a child of God. Then, a place in Heaven is reserved for us. Are you sure you’re Heaven-bound?