Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"He remembers that we are dust" (Psalm 103:14).part1

In the Shadow of the Cross: The Deeper Meaning of Calvary
Perhaps there is no mystery in the
universe so monumental as God
dying a death of shame to
redeem mankind.

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Have you wondered what God really thinks about you?
Our greatest barrier to knowing God better may be how much we know about how much God knows about us. We struggle with God because we feel so bad about ourselves, and if we know the truth about ourselves, think of how much more God knows us!

Follow The Christmas Star (30:40)

There is a danger from viewing the sweetness of a Christmas pageant where everything
is so clean and neat and nice instead
of how it really was.

Does Prayer Make a Difference? (47:43)
We might call this story “the preacher and the prostitute” because it’s a lesson about pride and humility. It’s also about how God welcomes those who aren’t ashamed to admit how much they need him.
We can’t fool him.
Sometimes we don’t want to pray or read the Bible or think about God because when we look in the mirror, we feel like saying, “You’re a big disappointment” or “You ought to be a lot better by now.”

We’ve all felt that way from time to time, and I imagine that many people reading these words feel that way right now. It’s been a hard week, or a bad month, and now we’re near the end of what seems like a wasted year.

I think we run from God rather than to him because we know our own hearts all too well and his barely at all.

I probably don’t need to spend any time convincing you that you are a sinner. You probably know the truth about yourself all too well. But it’s the other side that we need to talk about. We don’t know God’s heart very well.

You probably know the truth about yourself all too well.
That’s where Psalm 103 can help us tremendously. Perhaps no other chapter in the Bible so clearly reveals God’s compassion for his people. If you’re wondering what God thinks about you, let’s take a journey through Psalm 103 and discover seven liberating truths about God’s heart.