Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas - A Personal Promise

Matthew 1:18-25

Christmas is more than an event. It is a promise that has been offered to mankind - a personal promise that is applicable 365 days a year. And when we understand its significance, Christmas takes on a whole new meaning to us.

In this scripture, there are two names that help us to recognize the true importance of Jesus' birth. The first is the name Jesus which means "God is salvation." In giving that name, the angel was indicating the work that Christ was coming to do. The second name - mentioned only 3 times in the Bible - is Immanuel, which means "God with us." In the name of Jesus, we find forgiveness for our sins, and Immanuel delivers the wonderful promise that God will be with us forever.

On the night Jesus Christ was born, the eternal God was motivated by love to enter the human family. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and supernaturally born to a virgin in order to be one of us. But He never ceased to be God. Apart from the incarnation (the birth of God in human flesh), there is no hope and no future for anyone who has ever lived. Without Jesus, we would have to stand before Almighty God with all of our sin resting upon us.

At Christmastime, I want to encourage you to pray before you plunge into the packages. As you look at the Christmas tree, remember THE TREE. (Galatians 3:13) When you see the lights, remember THE LIGHT. (John 8;12) And when you look at the gifts, remember THE GIFT. (John 3:16)