Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Food for the Soul

With Christmastime comes lots of good food. Christmas candy, cookies, cakes, pies, and Christmas dinner are all part of the special nature of our Christmas celebrations. It’s commonly noted that on average, people gain between five and ten pounds during the holiday season. Yikes! But, while we’re enjoying stuffing ourselves with Christmas goodies, how about doing some thinking on our spiritual nourishment?

Christmas is a wonderful time to remember that Jesus is the “bread of life.” It’s a powerful illustration of what Jesus is meant to be to our lives. He’s the source of life. He’s the food our souls need!

Jesus said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.” John 6:35

This Christmas, make sure you’re feeding your soul a healthy diet of Jesus.

Going Deeper:

What are you doing this Christmas to make sure you are filling your soul with Jesus?
Can we ever have too much of Jesus? Why or why not?
Family Time: Bake and decorate homemade Christmas cookies. Allow everyone in the family to participate if they want. Everyone should be able to request their favorite kind of cookie. As you make cookies, use the content above to remind your family that Jesus is the “bread of life.”