Sunday, September 9, 2007

Turning Aside

Turning Aside

Read Mark 6:30-32

Jesus said to the apostles, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."
-Mark 6:31 (NIV)

WHILE strolling on the grounds of a Christian college I could see but barely hear the traffic moving along the main street just outside the school and through the town. The tranquility of centuries of worship enfolded me, completely wiping out the oppressive heaviness I had felt a few minutes earlier as I passed shop after shop strung with emblems of the occult. In the peace and beauty of the school, it was as if I had entered another world.

My thoughts focused on Jesus' invitation to the apostles while they were surrounded by crowds clamoring for his attention. Jesus understood the apostles' frustration; they were hungry, tired, and wanted to talk about all their recent experiences with him. The respite lasted only as long as the boat ride, but it was sufficient. Then they could again cope with the pressures of the crowds.

Our Lord knows how we feel and what we need at any given time and provides special moments for us to recuperate. It is not always possible to retreat to some quiet place. But wherever we are, by turning our attention to Christ's presence with us, we can find peace.

Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for drawing us aside from the pressures around us and providing us with moments of quiet in your presence. Amen.

Thought for the Day
Christ says to each of us, "Come aside; rest in my presence."

Whatever your cross,

whatever your pain,

there will always be sunshine,

after the rain ....

Perhaps you may stumble,

perhaps even fall,

But God's always ready,

To answer your call ...

He knows every heartache,

sees every tear,

A word from His lips,

can calm every fear ...

Your sorrows may linger,

throughout the night,

But suddenly vanish,

in dawn's early light ...

The Savior is waiting,

somewhere above,

To give you His grace,

and send you His love ..

Whatever your cross,

whatever your pain,

"God always sends rainbows ....

after the rain ... "

To get out of difficulty, one must usually go through it !