Friday, September 14, 2007

The Sound of God's Love

Soft, listen close, to the whispers of God,
Today they are fluttering near,
Drifting on wings of the angels,
They whisper the sounds o'er the years.

Two little hearts softly beating,
In two little worlds of their own,
God heard the sounds of His wonder,
And made a plan of his own.

The sound of His love ever growing,
It rang in these children at play,
Laughter resounding toward Heaven,
God guided those beautiful days.

Then blessings of grace fell softly,
Heard in their whispers of youth,
The etchings of plans being driven,
Shaped by the ring of God's truth.

For in Heaven the angels were singing,
Rejoicing in God's wonderful plan,
Like His gentle touch with the roses,
It unfolded in the love of His hand.

Like two separate roses growing alone,
Yet, both reaching up toward the sun,
Someday their branches surely will touch,
God's prize-winning work would be done.

Soft, listen close, to the whispers of God,
They are love ringing forth in a song,
Two separate hearts He heard beating,
Now he hears beating as one.

Jan Bagwell 9/14/07