Monday, September 10, 2007

Give Thanks

Read 1 Chronicles 16:8-13
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NRSV)
A few years ago I started a gratitude journal. Each morning as I begin my quiet time with the Lord, I write down what I am thankful for. I usually choose something from the previous day. Sometimes my thought comes immediately. Sometimes I have to think a while. Sometimes I see many things to give thanks for, and sometimes I struggle to find even one. From time to time I look back through the journal and notice that a blessing can be as small as seeing daffodils popping out of the cold, barren ground in February or as large as successful heart surgery on a tiny newborn.
God's blessings come in all sizes. Some are obvious, and some come to us in a quiet way. But what is most important is that we not forget to thank God for those blessings, no matter how small or how large, no matter how simple or how miraculous. Those blessings show us God is always near and always caring for us.

Giver of all good things, help us to remember to thank you for all of our blessings and to be grateful each day. Amen.
Today I will look for blessings of all sizes and be grateful.