Monday, September 17, 2007

Thank you God

Thank You God

My heart is filled with delight,
You shower everything in my life,

To experience every event
In a different stages, color duties of life,

To make me known the purpose
Of life existence here in the world.

The painful struggle, the harmful hurt deep pain,
You let me feel and experience,
Worse as it is;

You let me know the effect of all
The different in all these things.

Oh! what a sound of life to be
Understood by all this?

My concious mind and heart open
To express gratitude to you my Lord,

Event teaching me to recognize
Life to you, I win the battle,
Because you are there.

I saw your works and action,
Amazing! wonderful you Oh God;

No time, no space, can't stop me
From believing that my heart feel you through,

Thanks to you...

The ocean, the mountain, the valley,
You reveal your love with
Goodness to your creation,

Teaching me to love,
given me my direction,

I humble myself to you,
Capture the wholeness of me.

No hurtache, no heartache, no pain,
No mistake, we will put it together;

Thanks... to you... My Lord.