Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Know God Trust God

Know God Trust God

Know God
Trust God.

When you pray
And it seems
That God is not
Answering your prayer.
Think on His ways
How He wants you empowered.
How He wants you spiritually blessed.

Know God
Trust God.

Remember He loves YOU.
And your adequatcy
To know how
He chooses to bless
And answer your prayer.
Is so far
Beyond your comprehension.

Know God
Trust God.

God always answers you
Better than you know
How to ask.
Your asking is never equivalent
To His answering.
For His answering
Is always beyond your request.

Know God
Trust God.

His blessings are always
A continuance to your prosperity.
You may ask for one thing
But God wants you fulfilled
He gives you two.
To multiply anything of itself
Gains you nothing.

Know God
Trust God.

For in search of His answers
You may find the blessing
You hoped for
And the one you really wanted.
But then look again
You will find the very thing
Which was all you really needed.

Know God
Trust God.

God always blesses us
Beyond what we ask.
For neither we the intelligence
Nor the aptitude
To even guess
What He will do for you.