Monday, August 6, 2007

Thy kingdom come

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven." Matthew 6:10


Some time ago when farming in the lower part of the state of South Carolina, a farmer that had a plane and needed to put some flying time in the air ask me if I wanted to go along. Of course my answer was yes and we were soon in the air. As we flew over the dry river beds and spotted the actual old Santa Fe Trail wagon wheel tracks, the pilot asked me if I wanted to try my hands at flying the plane. I said, "Yes." Of course, he was sitting right next to me. He could fly it without me, but I couldn't fly it without him. He had his hands on the controls with me. He allowed me to participate with him. That's the way prayer is. God can do it without you, but God enables you to have fellowship with Him and teaches you a dependency upon Him.

Kneel before Him.

Meditate on 1 Chronicles 16:23-36.

Glory in His presence.