Thursday, August 9, 2007

Lost in Pain

Lost in Pain

I was talking to a friend
Just the other day
She seemed to have more pain
Than even she could say

For you see, she lost her husband
And it just does not seem right
The loneliness overwhelms her
Especially in the quiet of the night

I told her I have been there
I know how much it hurts
And just when it seems better
Pain comes back in many spurts

I know she loves her God
That He’s always part of all her days
But right now her pain is so intense
Her mind is in a sort of haze

So we talked and talked about Him
And how He loves her very much
When things are too much to bear
He will give her His personal touch

But she has to be receptive now
Turn over her grief and pain
To a God whose totally loving
She has so much she can gain

For He will help us with our struggles
He will pass the test of time
Be sure to ask His favor
If you’re lost in pain sometime!

Jan bagwell 08/09/07